This privacy policy establishes the way in which personal data will be managed on this website. It is essential that you read and accept it before continuing browsing.
Among the values ​​with which we identify ourselves is transparency, that is why we want you to know from the beginning that the privacy of your data is very important to us. This privacy statement explains what personal data we collect from our users and how we use it. We invite you to read these terms carefully before providing your personal data on this website. Those over eighteen years of age may register as users.
This website respects and cares for the personal data of users. As a user you should know that your rights are guaranteed.
We have made an effort to create a safe and reliable space and that is why we want to share our principles regarding your privacy:
• We never request personal information unless it is really necessary to provide you with the services you require.
• We never share personal information of our users with anyone, except to comply with the law or in case we have your express authorization.
• We will never use your personal data for a purpose other than that expressed in this privacy policy.
It should be noted that this Privacy Policy could vary based on legislative requirements or self-regulation, so users are advised to visit it periodically. It will be applicable in the event that users decide to fill in a form of any of their contact forms where personal data is collected.
has adapted this website to the requirements of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, known as the Development Regulation of the LOPD. It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons (RGPD), as well as with Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).
Responsible for the treatment of your personal data
• Identity of the Responsible: Sergio Calvo Rubio
• Commercial name: Sergio Calvo Miniatures
• NIF/CIF: 05312137b
• Address: C/ Iglesia 17, local 12
• Email:
• Activity: Autonomous

For the purposes of the provisions of the aforementioned General Data Protection Regulation, the personal data that you send us through the web forms will receive the data treatment of “Web users and subscribers”.
For the treatment of our users’ data, we implement all the technical and organizational security measures established in current legislation.
Principles we will apply to your personal information
In the processing of your personal data, we will apply the following principles that comply with the requirements of the new European data protection regulation:
• Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency: We will always require your consent for the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes that we will inform you of in advance with absolute transparency.
• Data minimization principle: We will only request data that is strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which we require it. The minimum possible.
• Principle of limitation of the conservation period: the data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes of the treatment, depending on the purpose, we will inform you of the corresponding conservation period, in the case of subscriptions, we will periodically review our lists and we will delete those inactive records for a considerable time.
• Principle of integrity and confidentiality: Your data will be treated in such a way as to guarantee adequate security of personal data and guarantee confidentiality. You should know that we take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized access or improper use of our users’ data by third parties.
How have we obtained your data?
The personal data we process comes from:
• Contact Form.
• Subscription form.
• Blog comments.
• Service request form.
• Affiliate registration form.
• Sales form.
What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether or not we are processing personal data that concerns me.
Interested persons have the right to:
• Request access to personal data relating to the interested party
• Request its rectification or deletion.
• Request the limitation of your treatment.
• Oppose the treatment.
• Request data portability.
Interested parties may access their personal data, as well as request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case I will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may oppose the processing of their data. It will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. As an interested party, you have the right to receive the personal data that concerns you, that you have provided us and in a structured format, of common use and mechanical reading, and to transmit them to another data controller when:
• Treatment is based on consent.
• The data has been provided by the person concerned.
• The treatment is carried out by automated means.
By exercising your right to data portability, you will have the right to have personal data transmitted directly from controller to controller when technically possible.
Interested parties will also have the right to effective judicial protection and to file a claim with the control authority, in this case, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, if they consider that the processing of personal data that concerns them violates the Regulation.
For what purpose do we treat your personal data?
When a user connects with this website, for example to comment on a post, send an email to the owner, subscribe or make a contract, they are providing personal information for which they are responsible. That information may include personal data such as your IP address, name, physical address, email address, telephone number, and other information. By providing this information, the user gives his consent for his information to be collected, used, managed and stored, only as described in the Legal Notice and in this Privacy Policy.

There are different systems for capturing personal information and I treat the information provided by interested persons with the following purpose for each capture system (forms), in all of them it will be possible to send promotional emails of our products or services:
• Contact form: We request the following personal information: Name, Email, to respond to user requirements. For example, we can use this data to respond to your request and respond to any doubts, complaints, comments or concerns you may have regarding the information included on the web, the services provided through the web, the treatment of your personal data, questions regarding the legal texts included on the website, as well as any other questions you may have that are not subject to the contracting conditions. I inform you that the data you provide us will be located on servers within the EU.
• Content subscription form: In this case, we request the following personal data: Name, Email, to manage the subscription list, send newsletters, promotions and special offers, provided by the user when making the subscription. Within the web there are several forms to activate the subscription. The electronic bulletins or newsletter can be managed by Mailrelay or Mailchimp. I inform you that the data you provide us may be located on Mailrelay or Mailchimp servers within the EU.
• Registration form for blog comments: To comment on the publications, the user is required to register through this form. In this case, we request the following personal data: Name, Email, Website. Once registered, the user will be able to make as many comments as they wish and respond to the previous ones. I inform you that the data you provide us will be located on servers within the EU.
• Service request form: We request the following personal data: Name, Email, Telephone, Address, to request any of the services that it makes available to its users. The information collected will allow requesting the corresponding service for a possible processing of the same offline. Requests will be answered by email. The website does not allow you to manage payments directly. I inform you that the data you provide us will be located on servers within the EU.
• Sales form: The user has different purchase forms subject to the contracting conditions specified for each product or service where contact and payment information will be required such as: Name, surnames, DNI, email, telephone, address complete. The payment data will be collected and managed by the payment gateway used by the web.
There are other purposes for which we process your personal data:


  • Para garantizar el cumplimiento de las condiciones de uso y la ley aplicable. Esto puede incluir el desarrollo de herramientas y algoritmos que ayudan a esta web a garantizar la confidencialidad de los datos personales que recoge.
  • Para apoyar y mejorar los servicios que ofrece esta web.
  • También se recogen otros datos no identificativos que se obtienen mediante algunas cookies que se descargan en el ordenador del usuario cuando navega en esta web que detallo en la política de cookies.
  • Para gestionar las redes sociales el tratamiento de los datos que se lleve a cabo de las personas que se hagan seguidoras en las redes sociales de las páginas oficiales de, se regirá por este apartado. Así como por aquellas condiciones de uso, políticas de privacidad y normativas de acceso que pertenezcan a la red social que proceda en cada caso y aceptadas previamente por el usuario. Tratará sus datos con las finalidades de administrar correctamente su presencia en la red social, informando de actividades, productos o servicios. Así como para cualquier otra finalidad que las normativas de las redes sociales permitan. En ningún caso utilizaremos los perfiles de seguidores en redes sociales para enviar publicidad de manera individual.

De acuerdo a lo establecido en el reglamento general de protección de datos europeo (RGPD) 2016/679, con domicilio en C/ Iglesia 17, local 12 será responsable del tratamiento de los datos correspondientes a Usuarios de la web y suscriptores.

La web, no vende, alquila ni cede datos de carácter personal que puedan identificar al usuario, ni lo hará en el futuro, a terceros sin el consentimiento previo. Sin embargo, en algunos casos se pueden realizar colaboraciones con otros profesionales, en esos casos, se requerirá consentimiento a los usuarios informando sobre la identidad del colaborador y la finalidad de la colaboración. Siempre se realizará con los más estrictos estándares de seguridad.

Legitimación para el tratamiento de tus datos

La base legal para el tratamiento de sus datos es: el consentimiento.

Para contactar o realizar comentarios en esta web se requiere el consentimiento con esta política de privacidad.

La oferta prospectiva o comercial de productos y servicios está basada en el consentimiento que se le solicita, sin que en ningún caso la retirada de este consentimiento condicione la ejecución del contrato de suscripción.

data category
The categories of data that are processed are identifying data.
Specially protected data categories are not processed.
How long will we keep your data?
The personal data provided will be kept:
• As long as the business relationship is maintained.
• Until its deletion is requested by the interested party.
• Period from the last confirmation of interest: 1 year.
To which recipients will your data be communicated?
Many tools that we use to manage your data are contracted by third parties.
To provide services that are strictly necessary for the development of the activity, it shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:
Google Analytics: a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about its use (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States.
Hosting: our hosting is For more information about their policies go to their website.
When browsing, non-identifiable data may be collected, which may include IP addresses, geographic location (approximately), a record of how the services and sites are used, and other data that cannot be used to identify the user. Among the non-identifying data are also those related to your browsing habits through third-party services. This website uses the following third-party analysis services:
• Google analytics.
We use this information to analyze trends, administer the site, track users’ movements around the site, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.
Secrecy and data security
It undertakes to use and process the personal data of users, respecting their confidentiality and using them in accordance with its purpose, as well as to comply with its obligation to save them and adapt all measures to avoid alteration, loss , treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations.


It cannot guarantee the absolute impregnability of the Internet network and therefore the violation of data through fraudulent access to them by third parties.
With regard to the confidentiality of the processing, it will ensure that any person who is authorized to process the client’s data (including its staff, collaborators and providers), will be under the appropriate obligation of confidentiality (either a contractual or legal duty). .
When a security incident occurs, upon becoming aware, you must notify the Client without undue delay and you must provide timely information related to the Security Incident as it becomes known or when the Client reasonably requests it.
Accuracy and veracity of the data
As a user, you are solely responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the data you send to exonerating, from any responsibility in this regard.
Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the contact or subscription form.
Acceptance and consent
The user declares to have been informed of the conditions on protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to their treatment in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy.
The consent given, both for the treatment and for the transfer of the data of the interested parties, is revocable at any time by communicating it in the terms established in this Policy for the exercise of rights. This revocation will in no case be retroactive.
Changes in the privacy policy
The right is reserved to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as to industry practices. In such cases, the changes introduced will be announced on this page with reasonable anticipation of their implementation.


Correos comerciales

De acuerdo con la LSSICE,  no realiza prácticas de SPAM, por lo que no envía correos comerciales por vía electrónica que no hayan sido previamente solicitados o autorizados por el usuario. En consecuencia, en cada uno de los formularios habidos en la web, el usuario tiene la posibilidad de dar su consentimiento expreso para recibir el boletín, con independencia de la información comercial puntualmente solicitada.

Conforme a lo dispuesto en la Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de comercio electrónico, se compromete a no enviar comunicaciones de carácter comercial sin identificarlas debidamente.


El acceso a este puede implicar la utilización de cookies. Las cookies son pequeñas cantidades de información que se almacenan en el navegador utilizado por cada usuario para que el servidor recuerde cierta información que posteriormente pueda utilizar. Esta información permite identificarle a usted como un usuario concreto y permite guardar sus preferencias personales, así como información técnica como pueden ser visitas o páginas concretas que visite.

Aquellos usuarios que no deseen recibir cookies o quieran ser informados antes de que se almacenen en su ordenador, pueden configurar su navegador a tal efecto.

La mayor parte de los navegadores de hoy en día permiten la gestión de las cookies de 3 formas diferentes:

  1. Las cookies no se aceptan nunca.
  2. El navegador pregunta al usuario si se debe aceptar cada cookie.
  3. Las cookies se aceptan siempre.

El navegador también puede incluir la posibilidad de especificar mejor qué cookies tienen que ser aceptadas y cuáles no. En concreto, el usuario puede normalmente aceptar alguna de las siguientes opciones:

  1. rechazar las cookies de determinados dominios;
  2. rechazar las cookies de terceros;
  3. aceptar cookies como no persistentes (se eliminan cuando el navegador se cierra);
  4. permitir al servidor crear cookies para un dominio diferente.
  • Para más información sobre Navegador Chrome pulse aquí.
  • Para más información sobre Navegador Explorer pulse aquí.
  • Para más información sobre Navegador Firefox pulse aquí.
  • Para más información sobre Navegador Safari pulse aquí.

No obstante, tenga en cuenta que, en caso de eliminar las cookies detalladas, su navegación por la página puede verse afectada.

Las cookies utilizadas en este sitio son las exclusivamente necesarias para ofrecer nuestros servicios a nuestros clientes, como el registro e identificación del usuario, carrito de la compra o análisis de navegación web del usuario, comprometiéndonos a no utilizar para ningún otro fin esta información recopilada.